
Showing posts from 2006

Living for Others: Oldest of the Amish Students "Kill me, let the others go."

 If there are tears in your eyes too . . . let's change what is happening in America by becoming good, families where children learn true love.  True love like this oldest of the Amish students who said, "Kill me, let the others go". I was listening to Bill Bennet's Morning in America this morning when I hear this.  My prayer is that America reclaims is connection with the creator for the sake of other.  Let's start with our daily lives and our families.   Tags: Amish , students , True Love , Living for Others , Example , America

Nun to Somalia Killers "I forgive, I forgive"

Hat tip to: AP Las Vegas Sun Anthony Mitchell September 18, 2006 Colleagues: Nun Forgave Somalia Killers A powerful, radical Islamic group, which is accused of having ties to al-Qaida, has all but wrested control from the weak and factional Somali government. With it has come a hard-line Taliban-style rule complete with public floggings and executions. Its leaders have pledged to wage holy war against an African peacekeeping force that is supposed to arrive early next month to help stabilize the country. By ANTHONY MITCHELL ASSOCIATED PRESS NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - A nun shot four times at the Somali hospital where she worked forgave her killers as she lay dying, colleagues said Monday in the wake of her slaying, which has focused attention on Islamic radicalism in the Horn of Africa. Sister Leonella, 65, muttered the words "I forgive, I forgive" in Italian after being shot by gunmen Sunday, the Rev. Maloba Wesonga told The Associated Press at a memorial Mass

Day at the Beach by Masataka Kagawa

Day At The Beach  - M Kagawa 2006 Masataka Kagawa did this water color while with us and our friends from Ichi Restaurant during the 4th of July beach bash near FIU campus North Miami Beach, FL July/4/2006.

Something for the lighter side; my daughter's drawing
